Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Teton's Wish List

Or is it mine?  Maybe a little of both. 

Christmas is here!  Well, almost.  But it's time to start fulfilling those wish lists because if you don't, you'll be sorry.  I hate you, Video Only.  No, but seriously folks, doesn't it seem like you have less time every year to shop for friends and family?  

TLB and I are getting a head start (or is it?) this year by making a list of toys, treats, and other goodies.  The reality is that he'll probably only get one or two things from this list and a whole 'lotta other things that aren't on it!  

For now, here is Part One of our Christmas Wish List...

Wish #1:  One of Nina Ottossons's interactive dog toys

But which one? 

The Brick?
The Tornado?
The Spinny?
 Or the Magic?

These toys are so cool!  I think we'll either go with the Brick or the Tornado.  The Spinny and the Magic are supposed to be easier for dogs to figure out and I'm guessing that Teton would get bored pretty quickly if it were too easy.  

Check out all of these interactive toys at Nina Ottosson's Interactive Toys website.  

They're dishwasher safe!  

Wish #2: A Cycle Dog collar

The main squeeze is a cyclist so I'm always on the lookout for recycled bike stuff.  Last year I bought us this cool clock from Resource Revival made out old bike parts. 

Anyway, the other day I saw these awesome dog collars.  

They're made of old bike tubes.  And that metal piece?  It doubles as a bottle opener.  Cool, right?

Wish #3:  A Himalayan Dog Chew 

These little gems (made of yak milk, cow milk, salt, and lime juice) are the best dog chew I've ever found.  I wish I could find the girl from All the Best Pet Care who turned me on to these and thank her!  Literally every person I've told about these chews has told me that their dogs have gone nutty over them.  And the best part?  They last forever!  TLB will definitely be getting a HDC for Christmas and I'll be sure to write a more lengthy review then. 

Wish #4: Where's Waldo Stuffed Toy

I see this toy as an awesome training opportunity just waiting to happen. 

Teton, where's Waldo?

So fun, right?!  And I just love Waldo.  I wonder if I can find our old Where's Waldo books...

Wish #5: Contempo Bowls 

Funky, right?  I love how sharp these look.  But at $69 a pop, I think these bowls will be staying on the wish list for a looooong time.

That's part one!  Stay tuned for part two!  

Christmas shopping for TLB is so fun.  And now that it doubles as "research," it's even easier to get away with.  


Sunday, November 28, 2010

Three little wet noses...

Dun dun duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnn!  It's Sunday.  

Sad face. 

Sunday means that tomorrow is Monday.  And I hate Mondays.  Oh, well.  At least Christmas is right around the corner so I can listen to some holiday music at work.

Today we're reviewing Wet Nose's pumpkin treats. 

Courtesy of Auntie Diane (Gracie and Kali's mom)!  

How cute is the name of this company?

And how wonderful is this? 

These locally made, certified organic treats come in a variety of flavors including Dogranola, Sweet Potato Curry, Apples and Carrots, Peanut Butter and Molasses, and a very Thanksgiving appropriate Pumpkin.  Wet Noses also has two holiday flavors that sound delish - Apple Pie and Sweet Potato Pie.  

Let's check out the ingredients! 

They're not kidding about the pumpkin.  The second I opened up these treats I got a whiff of pumpkin pie.  And cinnamon, too?  Yes, please!  I feel like I should try these. 

Don't you love the way they look, too?

For some reason they remind me of those little chocolate coins that you used to get as a kid.  

Is it me or were those never really that good?

I'm not sure what Auntie Diane paid for these Wet Noses pumpkin treats, but when I do a Google Shopping search they come up ranging in price from around $7 to $8 per box.  Not too bad, but semi-spendy for a basic crunchy treat.

The kids love 'em! 

But when do they not? 

Teton knows the drill with the whole blogging thing.  The girls...well, let's just say they are just beginning to understand the torture of blog photography.   

You might as well lay down.  It's going to be a while. 

We're going to give these treats a six out of 10.  Here's the breakdown: 

What We Like

1. They're small (but not too small) so we can give 'em to the kids a couple of times a day if we want and not worry about weight gain. 

2. They're wheat, corn, soy, chemical, preservative, animal by-product, and dairy free!  

3. They come in a variety of awesome flavors.  And from what we can tell by the Pumpkin, they smell and taste great. 

4.  They're locally made. 

What We Don't Like 
1. The price tag is a little high for your basic treat.  We don't know for sure what Auntie Diane paid, but I'd say that if it were over $7 it might have been a tad too much.  (Remember Blue Buffalo's Mini Blue Bars?  An entire bag of those was just $4.99!) 

There you have it!  

I'm going to try to give out less sevens because the main squeeze told me this morning that I "give out sevens like they're candy."  


Welp, I'm outta here!  Three dogs = lots of hair to be vacuumed. 

See you in a few days! 

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Do I sense a bit of jealousy?

Anyone else stoked that it's only Saturday?!?!  How was your Thanksgiving? 

I have a lot to be thankful for!  

Teton, however, does not. 

Houston, we have house guests. 

These two little fur balls are really quite easy to puppy sit for.  TLB is just a little jealous that mommy and daddy are suddenly paying attention to someone besides him.

Let's meet the ladies! 

This is Little Miss Gracie Rose.  You may remember her from the post on Bacon Forever's dog treats.  Gracie Rose just wants to be loved.  See this?  This is her love me face.  She gets so excited when you pet her that she wiggles and shakes all over the place.  

TLB and GR have a relationship not unlike that of a couple of second graders.  They chase each other around and bite each others necks but it's all just for show.  They really have quite meaningful feelings for one another.   

This, ladies and gents, is Kali.

Kali's working nights at the local bar to save up for some orthodontia.

She's a sweetie.  Sometimes when TLB is biting her sister's neck she gets a little fired up and "attacks" Teton.  It's pretty cute.  Kali is the most food-obsessed dog I've ever met.  She never left our side on Thanksgiving when we were prepping food...you know, just in case we accidentally dropped something.

The five of us (myself, the main squeeze, TLB, G, and K) have pretty much been lounging around all (extended) weekend.  

G and K's mom brought us some Wet Noses Pumpkin treats to try so check back tomorrow for a treat review!  

Have a relaxing Saturday evening!!!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Blue Buffalo's Blue Bones

Thanksgiving weekend is finally here!  It's the official start of the holiday season which means good food, good music, and goooooood times. 

I need to get busy on my list of Christmas goodies to spoil TLB with.  Maybe one of those items will be the product in today's review:  Blue Buffalo's Blue Bones! 

The TLB and I have been fans of various dental chews since he was about six-months old.  I don't know if TLB has good genes or if dental chews really do wonders, but either way we constantly get compliments on how nice his teeth are.  So, I'm kinda scared to think what his teeth might look like if he doesn't regularly get dental bones and/or chews.  

Before our monumental trip to the pet store last week, Teton was getting one Greenie per day for his teeth.  I switched to Blue Buffalo's Blue Bones for no reason other than I thought that it might be nice to mix things up a bit.  

Anal retentive?

I know a lot of people who are freaked out by Greenies.  They have good reason to be.  In 2005 a substantial lawsuit was filed against Greenies for the death of a dog whose intestinal tract was blocked by a chunk of a Greenie.  There were at least 10 cases in addition to that particular one in which dogs died after being fed a Greenie.  Now, who knows if the actual Greenie was completely to blame, but I can definitely appreciate that people were (and still are) scared! 

Here is an interesting fact:  Did you know that Greenies used to be make with plastic?  That's right, actual plastic!  Last time I checked dogs can't (and absolutely shouldn't) digest plastic.  Don't worry - Greenies have been re-formulated and no longer include plastic on their ingredient list. 

TLB has been eating Greenies for a year and a half so I can't knock them too much.  He has great teeth.  But I always tell people who ask me about dental chews that you should only give them to your dog if he or she takes their time actually chewing and gnawing on the bone.  After all, that's how it cleans your dog's teeth!  

If your dog is a treat swallower, Greenies, Blue Bones, Zuke's Z-Ridge Bones, etc. are not a good idea.  Try bully sticks, pizzle,  Himalayan Dog Chews, or Antlerz.  They are great alternatives to dental chews.  I'll review all of those types of treats later on.

Back to Blue Bones!  

I'll be the first to admit that I'm having a teensy bit of buyer's remorse on these guys.  For a package of eight bones, I paid...oh, boy...$16.99.  I know, I know.  Hey, it's research. 

For comparison, a bag of 20 Greenies was $14.99.

I don't know if TLB cares. 

Here's the ingredient list! 

Again, lots of crap that I can't pronounce.  But, wait...this is ahhhmazing!  

Blue Buffalo's website has won me over.  On each product's individual page is a list of ingredients with a link describing each individual ingredient!  YES! 

Check it out!  http://www.bluebuffalo.com/products/dogs/blue-bones.shtml

It's like they read my mind!

These Blue Bones are filled with lots of yummies for TLB.  I think that what I love most about these is that when I open the package I get a whiff of blueberries.  TLB looooooves blueberries and they are really good for both you and your dog.  Lets hear it for antioxidants! 

Also, Blue Bones don't have any animal by-products, corn, wheat, or soy, or artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives.  Can I just gnaw on one of these bad boys instead of brushing?

I don't know if TLB would be so jazzed about sharing...

He's been taking his time with these like a good little boy.  It takes him about five minutes to go through one Blue Bone.  Sure, it would be great if it took him 10, but when I watch him eat one I can clearly see that he is chewing every little bit and cleaning his teeth in the process.

Teton is really into these Blue Bones.  He patiently waits by the treat cupboard every morning so he can "brush his teeth."  

All of that buyer's remorse is fading.  The only thing that lingers is that price tag.  

For now, TLB and I give Blue Buffalo's Blue Bones a seven out of 10.  We love the ingredients, the company (or, at least we love their website!), and the benefits of these dental chews.  Only time will tell if they continue to make TLB's teeth sparkle and shine! 

Before I forget, a little update on the bison pizzle:  Teton has had two of the remaining three bison pizzle sticks and because of the way he is chewing on them my rating has definitely improved at least one point!  It now takes TLB anywhere from 10 - 15 minutes to eat one.  I actually think I would buy them again, as they are a great chew alternative (in terms of ingredients).  

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! 

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Snowflakes are kisses from heaven...

Awwwwwww.  Cute quote, huh?  It's not credited to anyone (I wouldn't put something on HDB without giving credit where credit is due!) 

Saving the review for later this week...lots to do and not a lot of time to do it! 

These photos are credited to Uncle Justin.  TLB loves you, dude.

Night, y'all.

Monday, November 22, 2010


The Little Blogger is very happy today. 

Why, you ask?  Because it's been snowing since last night!!!

Apologies in advance for the dark-ish shots.  It's pretty cloudy out and TLB is all black so sometimes it's hard to see his face.  You've probably noticed that already, though.

Anyway, being that it is TLB's favorite kind of weather outside, we're saving our product review for tomorrow and going outside again to enjoy the snow!!! 

See you tomorrow!

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Good Morning!  

It's Saturday!  Busy day ahead...cleaning and organizing with Mom, cleaning and organizing at my house, getting my hair cut, and gettin' down on some Indian food for my brother-in-law's birthday!  Can't wait.

What do you think of the new font?  I'm surprised I didn't try this one earlier.  I like it!  

I had a monumental trip to the pet store yesterday.  About every two months I make the "big trip" to the pet store for all of Teton's staple items.  Of course, I have to call this the "big trip" because we all know how many "little trips" I make for non-staple items.  

Yesterday I cleaned up

In the past when I've referenced a small, local pet store, I've usually been talking about my go-to place, Pet Country, which is located in Kent, WA.  Pet Country is awesome!  I swear, every time I go in they have some new amazing product that I've been dying to get for TLB or, better yet, an entire shelf of awesome, all-natural treats for 50% off or some other crazy discount!  This makes me very happy.  Also, Pet Country almost always has cheaper prices than every other pet store in my area on products that I buy regularly for TLB.

Check out all of the great stuff I got!  

Here's what was purchased:  

1) One 1 lb bag (trial size) of Earthborn Holistic Primitive Natural dog food 
2) One 6 lb bag of the same 
3) One 13.2 oz can of Taste of the Wild Pacific Stream Formula (Smoked Salmon in Gravy)
4) One 12.5 oz can of Blue Buffalo Wilderness Duck and Chicken Grill 
5) One 12 oz bag of Blue Buffalo Blue Bones (Natural Dental Chews)
6) One 16 oz can of Dog Nip's Catch of the Day Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil 
7) One 5 oz bag of Dog Nip's Catch of the Day Polluck Snacker (Polluck Skin Twists and Sushi with Sweet Potato)
8) One 5 oz bag of Dog Nip's Catch of the Day Skin and Bones (Stuffed Salmon Skin Knotted Bones with Sweet Potato)
9) One 5 oz bag of Dog Nip's Catch of the Day Friday Night Special (Calamari Squares and Shrimp Cakes with Sweet Potato) 


Total Cost:  $62.69 

Now, to some of you, spending over $60 at a pet store might make you cringe, but I know for a fact that if I were to have purchased the same exact products at a different store it would be been at least $80.  Also, please understand that aside from the actual dog food, everything that was purchased will be spread out over a number of months.  It's not like TLB will wipe out all of this food and these treats in a matter of days (or even weeks!).  

I'll definitely review all of these products down the road, but today's blog (not so much of a review, really) is about the ch-ch-ch-changes that I've made in TLB's diet. 

For the past two years, TLB has been eating only Natural Balance dog food. 

We've never had a problem with Natural Balance and he's always been a fan.  I like Natural Balance and they make a lot of good products.  But they've also had a few recalls in the past year, and that makes me nervous.  So being that TLB just turned two and I'm finally brave enough to switch dog food, I figured yesterday was as good a day as any to get the ball rolling.

After a long talk with Pet Country's owner, the super knowledgeable Mike, I decided on a new food for T.  

Earthborn Holistic is distributed by Midwestern Pet Foods, Inc. in Evanston, Indiana.  Check out their website for  more information.  http://www.earthbornholisticpetfood.com/index.php

Mike and I talked at length about which new food to try.  Let me tell you, he really knew his stuff!  I was debating between Earthborn Holistic, Taste of the Wild (which was recommended to me by my friend whose dog has a wheat allergy), and Blue Buffalo.  In the end, I chose Earthborn Holistic because it is grain-free, high in protein, filled with yummy ingredients, and has a "UPCs for Trees" program where a tree is planted for every UPC label you send in!  So cool!  An added bonus:  Earthborn Holistic is actually cheaper than the Natural Balance food that I've been buying for the past two years!  

I bought the 1 lb sample bag and the 6 lb bag.  Here's why:  The 1 lb sample bag is perfect for when you are switching your dog's food.  The first day that you introduce your dog to the new food, you use 75% his or her old food and 25% new food.  Each day you increase the amount of new food until that's all your dog is eating.  A sample-size bag is great because it'll give you an idea of whether your dog likes the new food and can digest it well without breaking the bank.  This particular sample bag is pretty rad because it has a $3 coupon on the back for any 6 lb or larger bag of Earthborn Holistic food.  

A note for those of you thinking about switching your dog's food:  If your dog either does not like the new food that you've purchased or does not digest it well, your pet store should absolutely take it back, with or without a receipt.  Of course, it's always smart to keep those receipts, but please don't waste your money by tossing or keeping a bag of food that you'll never use!  Or, better yet, consider donating unused dog food (and any other unused or gently-used pet product) to a local animal shelter or rescue group.

Back to Earthborn Holistic...


Mmmmm...apples, spinach, turkey-meal, potatoes...

I think I'm just going to have to get over the fact that there are things on this (and every) ingredient list that I can't pronounce and don't understand.  Wouldn't it be fabulous if there were some website where you could input a list of ingredients and it would break everything down in simple English for you?  If that already exists someone needs to tell me about it ASAP. 

Here is an old and new food side-by-side comparison.  Earthborn Holistic Primitive Natural on the left and Natural Balance Lamb and Rice on the right. 

I love the small bites. 

TLB is not happy about the photo shoot. 

How 'bout you drop some of that food right down here, lady?

Introducing a new food to your dog's diet...

Step 1)  Fill the scoop (TLB eats one cup of food per day plus two to three spoonfuls of a yummy mix-in) with 75% of the old food. 

Step 2)  Fill the remainder of the scoop with new food (about 25%).

Step 3)  Pour the food mixture into your dog's bowl and blend together.


Step 4)  If you just give your dog dry food, you're done!  If you add a mix in, do so now.  Yesterday we did good ol' pumpkin, which is great for dogs and is a cheaper alternative to canned dog food. 

Step 5)  Sit back and watch your fuzzy buddy devour their food!

TLB acted as though his dinner last night was the best thing he's ever had in his entire life. 

Aside from a few puppy farts last night and a semi-solid poo this morning (always check your dog's poo, people!  It tells you a lot about how their little bodies are working!), TLB seems to be digesting the new food well.  Only time will tell, however, as we move toward incorporating more and more of the new food into his diet.

Since I'm not rating Earthborn Holistic Primitive Natural food today because it's too early to tell, I'd like to rate Pet Country in Kent, WA.

I give Pet Country and its staff a nine out of 10.  The staff is friendly, incredibly knowledgeable, and patient.  Pet Country carries a wide variety of products and is always bringing in new ones, which I love.  The vast majority of the products that you'll find at Pet Country are good for your pet (healthy and minimal ingredients) and are priced well.  If you are ever in Kent stop by Pet Country.  You won't be disappointed.

I'm off to enjoy the weekend!  Hope you have a great one, as well!  

Happy Birthday, Uncle Justin!